Alternatives to buying a financed vehicle

If you’ve just chosen the car of your dreams, car financing is the next step. Fortunately, you have many options for auto finance today, and the auto store is just one of many places to look for auto credit. From customizable car loans to in-store direct installment agreements, there are a variety of financing options to explore. But first you must decide what car you want to buy and what type of loan you want to take out.

Auto loan

When shopping for a car, review the following resources for different types of auto credit. While only a complete costing calculation can tell you the true value of an auto loan, these individual characteristics can help you determine the best auto loan for your new car purchase.


Car Loan Rates and Fees

The interest rate is the first number most people look at when buying a financed car, because it is often the biggest factor in determining the total cost of an auto loan. So the question is how do you make sure you get the best rate possible. Fortunately, there are at least two things you can do to ensure you get a good interest rate when buying a car: improve your credit score and go shopping. Also, don’t forget to factor in fees when calculating the total cost of the auto loan.


Duration and value of vehicle financing installments

Some people choose the car loan amount based on their disposable income, while others simply apply for the biggest loan the bank can offer. Both are bad ways to determine how much to ask for, because they can overwhelm you and cause financial problems. It is essential that you have an income above your proposed car purchase, so that all types of payments, both for car financing or credit, as possible vehicle expenses, to ensure that you do not miss paying for your vehicle.


Deadline for payment of the vehicle

With longer financing, you will reduce the amount of the installments, however, result in higher interest rates. Do you want to be able to pay off every auto loan installment as quickly as possible? This even applies to vehicle consortia, where additional payments will reduce the total cost of the auto loan.


Down payment when buying a vehicle

If you decide to take out an auto loan, a down payment of at least 10% will greatly reduce the cost of your financing as your interest rate and monthly payment will go down. Generally speaking, the higher the down payment, the shorter the payout period and the lower the cashback amount.

Possibility of vehicle financing

Now that you know what to look for in an auto loan, let’s take a look at the different types of auto loans and how they compare.

If you can’t pay in full for the vehicle of your dreams, you’ll have to finance your big purchase. Fortunately, vehicle buyers have three main options at their disposal, but their choice depends on a number of factors such as:

Vehicle year

It doesn’t matter if you buy the car from a dealer or a private seller.
When buying a new vehicle, always take into account the year of the vehicle and in the case of used vehicles, check for wear and spare parts. A vehicle financing is a huge responsibility, since when purchasing the vehicle, you will assume a long-term contract that will include: payment of installments, cleaning and maintenance.


How to get the lowest car finance rates

The best deal for someone who buys a car from a car dealer is usually an auto loan. This particular type of loan accepts a vehicle as collateral and allows the lender to set a relatively low interest rate. Of course, this also means that if the buyer defaults on the payment, the vehicle can be impounded to collect the loan.

What you need to know when applying for vehicle financing:

  • Usually only available for newer cars
  • Fixed at 36, 48 or 60 months
  • Can be structured to include advance payments
  • May include exchanges to reduce costs
  • A deposit can be included, reducing costs


  • Few fees
  • Available by dealerships
  • Facilitated for the Disabled

It’s good for you to know: Your vehicle can be repossessed if you fail to pay; Can only be used to buy new model cars;

If you want to buy a car from a private seller, there is another type of car loan – one that involves a large deposit and higher interest rates to offset what is associated with older cars sold by unknown sellers. Still, if you can get a car from a private seller for a cheaper price than a dealership, that might be a good idea.

Personal loan

If you decide to buy a used car or a personal car, the only option left is to apply for a personal loan. Because these loans are unsecured, lenders often charge higher interest rates to offset the risk, but unlike buying with an auto loan, once you pay it off, the car is yours.

To reduce the cost of a personal loan, you can do two things: improve your credit score, which will allow you to get better interest rates, and keep the loan term as short as possible. This strategy ensures that your loan payments do not exceed the life of your vehicle. If possible, avoid paying off a used car entirely with a personal loan. Instead, use a loan to supplement your savings.


Can be used to buy used cars; In the purchase of vehicles sold by private sellers, in case you do not pay the installment,
will not result in repossession of your vehicle


Interest rates are usually higher